Quitting Cognizant

Dear friends,

It might be a surprise for many of you after reading the ‘Blog Post Title’. I have one Sad and Good news for you.

The Sad News is that, my last working day in Cognizant is Dec-31, 2014. For a change, just thought, I can inform this a month before rather than telling it on the last day!

The Good News is that, I will be working as Part Time with Cognizant in 2015 where I will be spending one week every month. However, I will be quitting the job completely by end of 2015.

So, why I’m quitting my Job?

I’m quitting my job to chase my dream of promoting volunteering in India. I have a dream where every Indian volunteers atleast once a month (12/365). I will be spending most of my time doing various initiatives to inculcate the habit of kindness and volunteering among Children for the rest of my life through my NGO Team Everest which was started in 2006.

i-quit-conizant-2 - Copy

What is the plan for 2015?

SMILE 100: We will be adopting 100 parentless and single parented kids and support them till they finish education. So, I will be spending most of my times in villages, identifying the right child, right school and individual sponsors for them. If you want to sponsor a Child, please register here – http://bit.ly/everestsmile100 . Minimum contribution amount is Rs 50 per month. You can choose an amount of your choice. We will let you know the child details once it is finalized  by May, 2015.

Oct-10, 2015: It is going to be an important day in my life as I will be revealing the plans for the rest of my life. I have dreamt about it while I was a 5th std student and Oct-10, 2015 is the day when I’m going to realize my dreams. Please block your calendar now itself to join my special day.

What will I do for my living?

When I told about my decision to quit to my friends and family, everyone was asking me this question – ‘What will I do for my earning?’. I thought, it is better to address this query openly and being transparent about it.

Though, it is legally possible to get a salary through my NGO Team Everest, I’m not interested to take it since I want it to go to children as much as possible. So, honestly I have not planned anything for my income. My focus is completely on the service I’m planning to do for my country. I hope, I will figure out a way to have some income in the next 2 or 3 years.

I’m planning to work for Cognizant for 1 week a month in 2015. So, I will be anyway getting 1/4th of the salary which I’m getting right now for next 1 year. However, I will not be getting this in 2016. So, my wife would be the source of income for our family. I have told her to give me time for 3 years before which I will figure out a way to have income for myself.

Though I have opportunities to do business in social sector or become a social Entrepreneur, I decided not to do it since it would take away a lot of my time and I have a worry that it would become an obstacle for me to do what I want to do for my country. I would be doing a little consulting for companies on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) which would consume less of my time, since I get many such requests from various companies.

Sometimes, I get a dream that few individuals after getting to know about my good work are sponsoring for my salary. Who knows, it may became a reality one day.

I’m not worried much about it now. I do not have any financial goals in mind. All I would need is to feed my family and have a little money to help others. So, I will figure it out later, while this is time to focus on my service! We live this life only once and my dad’s death has taught me that this life is short. So, I wanted to chase my dream of promoting volunteering in our country.

Stay in touch:

Though I’m out of Cognizant, I would like to stay in touch with all of you. If you are on facebook, please give me a friend request – www.facebook.com/kartheevidya. I will be posting most of my volunteering service activities on my FB page.

Any time in your life, if you wanted to help someone on your birthday or any other normal days, reach me through our Everest Help Desk number – 89399 12365. I would be glad to help. After all, this is my passion! Please save this number so that when I use the ‘Broadcast’ option in Whatsapp, the message reaches you. Once you save this number, please whatsapp me as ‘I would like to get Updates’. I will add you to the contacts and keep you posted about our activities!

Write to me any time at karthee@teameverestindia.org

Thanks to all of you for all those sweet memories and the lessons you taught me.

Stay in touch. Your support is required to make a difference and serve more people.

This is not my farewell post. This is just the beginning of a new journey. Let’s make a difference together!

556 thoughts on “Quitting Cognizant

  1. All d Best Karthee, you are a living example for many who wants to do this but cannot, due to their own reasons and i am one among them. Very happy to have such a friend like you and i am sure i will feel happy one day that i am able to contribute to the noble cause n journey you have taken ., Eagerly waiting for Oct 10, 2015.

  2. i see something big coming your way dear friend 🙂 keep dreaming n keep working 🙂 you inspire! all the best 🙂

  3. All the best kart him.it really needs a lot of guts to take such a decision. We are proud of you and would like to join you in future. We will be with you in this.

  4. i am inspired by your decision. I am ready to support you in whatever way I can.

    Currently I am at onsite ( working for cognizant).

    Please Keep me posted on all the initiatives. Looking forward to support your initiatives !!!

  5. You heard your Calling … in good time too. Your enthusiasm, energy and youthful vigor will ensure that you not only enjoy the journey but also find satisfaction on achieving your goal … Destiny and time will salute you all the while.

  6. Excellent Karthee.. Great initiation. I will be in touch as I have same kind of thoughts to volunteer. All the very best.

  7. I admire your decision and passion to pursue your passion. Wishing you all the best and Support need to meet your goal !

  8. Hi Karthee, You are doing a Wonderful job and you have taken right decision at right time. Don’t worry about the Living Earnings now. Everything will come to you soon. I will try my level best to assist you in whatever way i can.

  9. All the best Karthee.
    I’m from Hyderabad and interested in supporting you.

    Just let me know your plans.

    You are not lone in your journey. So many are out there to support you, all just needed is an initiation.

  10. All the best Karthee.
    I’m from Hyderabad and interested in supporting you.

    Just let me know your plans.

    You are not lone in your journey. So many are out there to support you, all just needed is an initiation.

  11. Hi Karthee,

    You are one in million. You come from a family where mom and dad showered their service to our Nation. Salute you family for being this great. I know you will achieve everything in life and will be a known personality in the world. One day you will. All the very best to you and your good work.

  12. Amazing Karthee, very proud of you bro….. wish you very good luck. your friend request limit is full as of now :):)


  13. This is wonderful. I like your minimalist and altruistic attitude. All the very best and this is a great beginning.

  14. You have shown great courage and enthusiasm to shred the job for a noble cause…All the best and i am sure you will reach the goal in serving in the ways that you wanted. Our support help will always be there.

  15. Karthee,

    It takes a lot of courage and clarity to make a decision like this. Everyone keeps saying it but you had the guts to do it. Also you are blessed to have such a wonderful wife who supports you and your noble thoughts. All the best for your plans and may God and good people be with you to support your efforts!!!

  16. Listen to your Heart and follow your Dreams. I wish and hope you have all the Happiness and Satisfaction. End of the day helping hand is better than praying lips.. this world needs more people with helping hands.. good luck with your journey.

  17. Well thought. well planned. Wishing you loads of success. Makes me wonder.. how long will it take for the rest of us like me to take such strong decisions and chase a dream. Frankly i see a dormant part of me in u.. All the best. Will stay connected across the fb and whatsapp channels.

  18. Hi Karthee,

    I don’t know who you are. But I am fully with you. Saved your number in Whats app already & also sent a request to you with the quote mentioned above and hope to make a difference to the budding ones in our society.

    Rajesh Mohan.

  19. You took a very very brave step! People contemplate and let it go, a few say no and take the step for change. The best part of your plan is that the change will not only help you but million out there. and i salute your wife, because i firmly believe that if your partner is willing to take the risk with you, nothing can stop you. Best wishes, go ahead and MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!.

  20. Lots of people would be interested to help others, but not everyone does it as a full time. Really appreciate your decision. Yes, of course life teaches us more lessons and taking it in a right path (your passion) will somehow lead you find a way to get your own source of income which doesn’t obstruct your passion and goal. Wish you the best!!

  21. keep your energy up always… god bless you… I would say it is a daring decision which many are wanting to do but unable to do…. go a long way…

  22. Hats off to you Karthee sir!! Many people have the mind to do social service and do whenever they wish. You are really focused and determined as you have quit your job to achieve your dream,which people usually do not dare to do!!Salutes…All the best for your meaningful journey.

  23. I saw your link shared by my friend from Cogni on my FB wall and out curiosity I thought this must be another farewell speeches (which I don’t hate) but this turned out that you are quitting you job for “Social Service”. I mean, wow, that is something really cool!! Like the way Arvind quit his govt. job for better politics, you seem to do the same. Why can’t many Indians (including myself) do this? I mean, not like really quitting the job but help in one way or the other?! Your post made my day dude. Keep up the good work in the days to come. Maybe you are in the making of next “Kailash Satyarthi” who will make India shine abroad. Good luck in your social soul searching journey. 😀 🙂

  24. I am happy that you got chance and you had courage to take that. Most of us don’t get chance and then courage to pursue our dreams.. Contributing Rs.50 will not make much difference for most of us but it will make a big difference for those kids. In return, we will get their invaluable blessings.

  25. Hi Karthee, glad to learn about your noble thought, its a wonderful feeling to know that we still have people like you around. All the best for your journey.
    Are there any activities which are held out of Pune/Mumbai ?

  26. A lot of us think about it. You had the courage to take the next step, which makes all the difference. My respect, and good wishes.

  27. hi karthee, really enjoyed reading your very honest blog entry. glad that you found your ‘thing’ to do. Your approach is similar to entrepreneurship. If you think you can do it part time, or do it later, or do it after you have figured out a safety net etc, it wont happen. Other things will distract you. Thanks for sharing your reasoning so clearly. Waiting to hear the stories as you progress.

  28. I would suggest that you rethink the social business/entrepreneurship approach. A single person cannot solve world hunger and it would be good if you could build a great organization like Akshya Patra or Sankara Eye care (Social businiesses themselves).

  29. Respect your passion for serving the needy and our country!! May GOD bless you with abundant happiness and success!!

  30. Its a brave move dear friend and its happening for a good cause. I really wish you a successful path ahead..
    !!Thumbs Up!!

  31. Dear sir.
    I would like to appreciate your social responsibility.

    And I request you to spend some time for untouchability and caste eradication.

  32. Now you Moving your steps forward definitely you will reach peak,yep it will take time but never give up.. we are with you..

    1. Karthee… I saw u twice in mepz… but dont know wat to speak.. I watch ur blog and ur first anniversary gift etc in ur face book. I am in ur friend list too.. ur decision and mine are same like dec 31 is the last day for me too in cognizant. . But I am chasing of money but u r chasing ur dreams. .. all the very best in ur carrer… if u see this post , kindly reply I will be happy..

  33. Are you really serious?, just two quick thoughts.
    1. You must make sure that you have enough income from your wife to cover your family expenses for the next three years (as you said) and she understands your dedication. (and your parents too, so that you’ll get a good family backup)
    2. Your 2015 plan ‘Smile100’ seems a project work and you reveal only on Oct month about your actual plan, hope your plan and dream merges well to have you a satisfied social work in future, but my thought here is that there must have been some impact happened to your heart which caused you to make this decision. Please do share that, which is actually a turning point story of you which will inspire many others, since we don’t have any testimonials about you for people to trust. We have many other organization who is actively doing this work already.
    It might look that I’ve given some negative comments, but every perspective view is important.
    Glad that you step-in to this boldly, but analyze the past and finalize your future to have your present neutralize.

    1. Agree with Anonymous..anyone who does social work for long term is a genius but you must have a long term plan otherwise there is no use if you start it and then due to lack of management/money leave it in between.All the best to you for this big step

    1. We have many other organizations who is actively doing this work already why can’t you support them and work along with them if you really want to do means,

  34. Hello Karthee,
    I came across this post and could not leave this page without commenting. I dont know who you are but I salute you man. You are someone who has heard his heart’s calling. I always wanted to do something for my country but never got the courage to realise it full-time. So I keep supporting such causes as and when I come across them. I am with you on this. Added your number for updates.
    Wish you good luck in this noble cause.


  35. This is really amazing !!!! I don’t know you , but I admire your decision – Best Wishes and success in your future endeavors!!!

  36. i am also an ex employee of cognizant, last working day was November 30, can i too join you with your initiative…………………………….

  37. Hi Karthee
    I got your post through FB sharing. Simply great… You made courage and that I salute. You seems to be in mid of career and making such a choice really needs that vision and passion to do different. Most of us in IT think at some stage to get out and do what we want. People driven by compulsion and not by choice. Well, I wish you all the best and appreciate your volunteering for social cause.

  38. Hat’s off to you. We have never met nor interacted earlier. But through common friend saw your blog post. I am really touched by planned csr activity. I would like to contribute and will touchbase with you.

  39. Hi karthee, social service path sometimes may be difficult but don’t give up. Definitely you get good support from public and all the very best to your upcoming career.

  40. You needs grit and determination to do what u want to do. But I think you are able to do this because of a strong pillar behind you – which is ur wife. Hats of to her too.

  41. Kudos to you …. Keep up the good work… Need anything then we (as in Indians) will be there for ya… Gud Luck!!

  42. Great Initiation Karthee and very much inspired by your decision .I will be supporting and keep me posted the activities. All the best 🙂

  43. Very good initiative Karthee–a much needed one and it can make difference in the lives of those you touch. I have helped needy and deserving candidates in India in the past through my friends. I would like to support you and would like to follow your various alternatives to identify where I can best put in my contributions–monetory or directly. Please keep your activities visible and auditable for them to retain meaningful and trustworth to good willing sponsors at a distance.. All the best.

  44. I wish I could have the courage like you man.. .I salute your determination and willpower. so you decided to live for others. can’t join you now but definitely will help whatever I can…

    1. Good decision mate and I hope you have my email id after this post so pls do reach out and will try to contribute in whatever small way I can. Thanks and may the force be with you.

  45. All the best Bro ! I want to say u a lot of things but to shorten it up, “You have ignited the hearts by your act”. All the very best, Kindly let me know if I can be a help to u in any way.

  46. Hello Karthee, Very proud of you . There are people who would want to do such a thing, but some reasons prevent them . I am sure you have some reasons that would prevent you too, but you have your priorities right . Kudos to you !
    I would surely support you , please keep us posted on your blog.

  47. Hello Karthee, this is really a very bold and inspiring decision. My friends and I also run an NGO Aashayein Foundation in Blore and Hyd and provide education support to almost 300 underprivileged students in these cities and other kind of help in rural areas. However, I am out of India currently but I do take care of NGO work. In case, you want to meet our team and collaborate, it will be definitely a good idea.

    You can visit my blog page http://www.suyashchopra.WordPress.com where you can find more info about NGO and its website.

    All the best dear for your future. You have taken a wonderful decision. I know you will find your solutions.


  48. Hero,

    You are really great. Very tough decision which many of us could not take. Most important thing is your family support, without which this will not be feasible at all. My sincere appreciations to your family first. I am with you.


  49. Hi you have taken the best step, many of us are trapped in jobs, emi, I doubt most of us can fulfill our dreams, I certainly have the same dreams, I would like to get associated with your dream. Wish you all the best.

  50. It was very brave of you to make such a decision. Not many are able to do it. Congrats and all the best for all your endeavors in the future. Will be happy to be a part of this and would definitely love to do my bit.

  51. Karthee, great initiative….absolutely admire the courage you have to quit a job in pursuit of happiness. Sometimes I wish I could do it too…All the best and wishing you all success

  52. Good cause, but NOT an entirely wise decision. You may have to come back to CTS again or seek a full-time position elsewhere. Keep your bridges intact with your previous employer, but enjoy the experiment. And do keep us posted. All the best!

  53. Super Karthee.. All the best for your way forward….Happy to help you in your activities.. Once again all the very best.. Keep up the spirit

  54. Can’t stop commenting on this Page .. Salute you! Many think of taking such initiative , but very few dared to take such step … All the best!

  55. Dear Karthee….I was also a part of cognizant some months back…and appreciate your step…..would like to actively participate in your great work. Presently I am residing in Kolkata…please tell me how and when I can be the hand for you….waiting for your reply

  56. அன்பு நண்பர் காத்திக்! உங்களின் பரந்த உள்ளம் மேலும் விரிந்து குழந்தைகளுக்கு பணியாற்றி மேலும் மேலும் நீங்கள் சிறந்து விளங்க உங்களை வாழ்த்துகிறேன்!!!

  57. Hats off bro! You definitely have inspired many to come forward to take that one step to serve our peple, Indians. Please accept my wishes and enril me as your soldier in your mission
    Good luck

  58. It needs great guts to follow the dream or help others to achieve their dreams. I wish great success. Hope to see you some day in big way

  59. While I was at Cognizant I used to see your name quite often, I have got to see you pic 🙂 ..Not many have the heart or guts to take step forward in this direction…My best wishes to you in this path.. As Modi says, ‘May the force be with you’.. Jai Hind..

  60. All the best Karthee, wish you all your dreams come true..I am always there to support your initiative best of my effort, keep me posted, your learning in this area..wish you good luck

  61. All the best Brother. Also kindly check odesk.com or elance.com where you can do some freelancing working to earn parallely while you serve. All the best keep us updated –

    Jins Thomas

  62. saw about u thru facebook…. my friend posted about u…. a strong decision, a bold one… god bless u in all u do….may be one day i would also be a small part in your big journey……… all the best karthi……

  63. A very big and brave decision indeed..Good luck and hope you get the necessary help all your way in this journey!

  64. Dear Karthee my hearty congrs and best of luck What support u need I am ready do,Really u touch my heart what u express u. any pls call me 9840967822. tk care. c u soon.

  65. Hi Karthee
    I wish I had the courage, determination and support like you had. Wishing you the very best and hope all things fall in place for you…

  66. Hi Karthee,

    I came to know about this blog through FB sharing. It’s a wonderful decision. Hope to spend some valuable time with one of your project.

  67. I am still thinking and you did it ! Great Karthee ..I will be in touch and will do similar in coming days !

  68. All the very best for the noble cause and wishing you all the luck in this world to be successful in your life 🙂

  69. Hi Karthi you are not worried about yourself so dont worry the sky will open up !! by doing such a noble cause you are investing for your next birth if any … may the maker fulfill your needs,

  70. Please visit servicespace.org, a volunteer organization based on selfless service and kindness. You might get ideas and help

  71. Hi Karthee,
    A great initiative , I am in sales and have good contact in IT Industry . Please let me know in case if you require any contribution from my end . you can reach me at kiruworld@gmail.com

  72. Exellent initiative bro.. go for it.. I would be glad of any help. Special mention to your life partner for supporting such a decision.

  73. Great Thought comes in Great person mind! But this greatness belongs to both, you and your wife and I am sure this togetherness will attract lot of kind hearted people to join you guys and fulfill your dream ……keep healthy rest you can make it in place as long as your passion is alive! Cheers…

  74. Good Job Sir and if you are in Pune i am ready to be a support in any form may be food, basic needs, clothes, as per my capacity as well as me into Photography will cover your functions at no cost i have a DSLR Camera. Always there any time for a Good Cause.

  75. Everyone has a desire in heart.But do we have the courage to step out of our comfort zone?.Karthee has went one step ahead by quitting his job and working for his dreams.Lets go one step back!.Can we at least identify what our goals and dreams in life are?.Why are we Indians always obsessed with working for someone else dreams?.atleast try to spend 2 hours a day for your own dreams!.
    Majority of us are stuck with Work–>home–>tv–>sleep–>work cycle for next 40 years.

    We can serve the community and impact people without quitting the jobs also.!

  76. Its easy to say all the best and good luck. I will surely contribute and be in touch. You will soon be recognized by someone and i will pray for that. You have a wonderful life.

  77. Hi Karthee,Impressed by reading your blog i wish you all the best your start in coming new year.it show planning for life

  78. I have worked 12 years in IT industry and trust me most people say they want to be elsewhere. Mid life crisis or job monotony. Trust me MANY have quit to try something… which is good.. ….you get to do something different…. but not everybody makes it such a big deal… hmmm… IT is good to take a dream break…. all the best.. hope u succeed..

  79. There is a saying in Tamil. Only because of Good people it rains. Now I know the reason why it rains 🙂
    All the very best in your endeavors. Its a noble cause and needs a noble soul to do it! May God be with you!

  80. I Wish and In fact, You are not the first person to do such thing and not the last one either.may be i am commenting on your blog bcoz of your advertisement on social media..So i wont say its a brave decision or way too far from normalcy and freak you out or scare you on financial aspects or thank you so early..at times many people from many walks of life take such decisions either to fully involve themselves leaving their full time job and some do it part time or do it in a different way while they earn for living..All the best on your journey and hope the living beings are helped or supported through your noble efforts. Om Sri Ram!!

  81. Great Job Man….. I added you in my whats app and messaged you but you seems to be last logged in around 27th Nov 2014 10:00 PM. Hope every thing is fine at your end.

  82. Best of luck for this good social cause…!!! may you get success in this new journey .. anyways many blessings with you..!!

  83. I just like your GUTS , because i know what it is by running and reaching dream . I simply like your passion sir. All the best.

  84. You are simply great Karthee…It needs lot of guts to take this kind of decision. You have taken the initiative and its an inspiration to most of us. Good Luck…!! Hope to join the hands in some or the other way down the line. 🙂

  85. Great thought !!! Congrt for all the script action u have written over here..Really heart touching…All the very BEST for your future endeavor..

  86. Amazing karthi.. We can talk tat we ve to do good for country. but very few daring minds live the way they talk. you deserve anything in the world. My heartiest prayer to God for you is making ur forthcoming generation live long n healthy… Be very proud of your wife who is supportive to u, without whom u couldnt take this decision. I wonder you people. I don’t think I’m eligible to greet you. But you will be my role model on hw to be a good citizen.

    Hats off!

  87. Awesome! I do not know you…i just happened to read your blog which was trending on FB. I salute you for your decision, your wife, family and friends for supporting you in accomplishing your dream. Not many will be able to fulfill their dreams to serve the country or even serve their neighborhood. You have chosen a path that will enlighten lives of so many children. I am sure all the blessings will go out to you and your family. May god bless you and would love to see more updates in future on your accomplishments.

  88. all the best to you. there are lot many emotions running in my heart right now. i may express them over a pwriod of time, like you. would love to support the noble cause. 🙂

  89. Hey Karthee….good to know about you and your next year plan from some friends on facebook….I am not sure but Net Impact Pune Chapter did start with some folks from Cognizant and I led the charge later….

    We did awesome work with support form IT professionals across Pune

    I would be willing to discuss more on your plans and surely will support your vision 🙂

    prashant (dot) sachdev @ gmail

  90. We don’t have dare to take such a decision, but we do have dare to support you… Will definitely part with you… Stay in touch..

  91. Hey..Karthee, Great man, I really don’t have words to say anything about your decision and blog. Trust me many time such thoughts come in my mind to support needy people around me. I am belong to very poor family and along with my wife and son, my widow sister and sister in law and cousin are completely depend on me. My brother is addicted to alcohol so I don’t expect anything from him. My parent are 70 plus and during this time I should be take care of them at village but I cant do that because I have other responsible on my shoulders.. from this at least you can imagine the situation where I am in now…this is an just an one example, I have so many sanjay around me who are going worst then me in life..I am not blaming anybody or I don’t need any financial support from you or NGO..but only I need your guidance and advice on such families, How to support them, Money will not solve the problem but we they need education, courage and confidence to live. .
    I am belong to very small village where I can see many widows are relay need support NGO or volunteer like you and there are so many womens who are badly suffering due to partners who are addicted to Alcohol. I really want to support this part of society who are far far away from globalization, corporate life, luxury life style etc.
    If you have advice or suggestion for me please reply or call me +919930486160.

    I am willing to work for this part of society…

  92. Great Initiation Karthee and very much inspired by your decision .I will be supporting and keep me posted the activities.but don’t quit what ever situation will come ..stay focus because now u r the inspiration for the other right now.Best of luck.

  93. i share your thoughts about volunteering and i’m looking to be involved in good cause as much as possible. I’m hoping to keep getting informed and get in touch with you soon.

  94. Lovely decision…Mr Karthee !!
    My profession doesn’t allow me such luxury to quit or work one week per month….
    But, I’m doing my bit. I’am already sponsoring a girl child through ‘World Vision India’…
    Would love to join you by contributing to your efforts…
    All the best

  95. Hi,
    you have kindled my social responsibility as a Indian Citizen that makes me to deeply think to give back something to the society. Hope I’m able to find a solution and practice it in coming years. I also take this opportunity to wish you good luck.

  96. Hi karthee, social service path sometimes may be difficult but don’t give up. Definitely you get good support from public and all the very best to your upcoming career.

  97. Forgive me if am wrong….but his goal can be achieved without doing sacrifice, I have seen that we as humans get an unknown relief when we sacrifice and acknowledge that we have sacrificed. I am not saying sacrificing is bad, i am saying its immature, selfish act when you neglect or ignore all the ways possible to achieve your goal without sacrificing. In this particular case, lack of money will be a bigger hurdle which will hinder him from servicing kids than doing it now with money and work together. one thought can change life. i always believe in keeping a door open. He lacks the vision of accomplishing his goal while working (Which is difficult, less risky) than to completely shun his responsibilities and plunge into uncertainty (Which is easy but highly risky) in the name of doing good. He for sure will gain sympathy but not sure he will lose more or not compared to what he will achieve. But hats off for taking that decision, it requires real guts. I wish you all the very best brother, for your intention is crystal clear.

  98. Wishing you all the very best Karthee… No words to say… We all are there to support you in this initiative..God Bless you…

  99. It’s time for us to support you so that indirectly we will be part of helping hands for children growth. My best wishes to your future work. God Bless you my dear see you soon….

  100. Ramprasad Akkisetti its such a noble thing to donate ones time for a cause.. especially helping those who don’t even know, if they need help. We are talking about homeless people, under nourished kids, socially alienated people, marginalized populations, displaced families, poverty stiffen communities, etc..etc.. the list is endless…We are all those here using face book are the privileged ones with good health, moderate wealth, good education, and standing in society. What IF we all do the same, by extending a bit of our money, a bit of our time and a bit of ourselves. I see my conscience rhyming with this gentleman in discussion here. My hearthfelt congratulation to this adorable young man who has brought so many smiles here even while reading about him! May he succeed and in spirit we are there with you young man!!! Ram

  101. I don’t know you personally but I am impressed with your decision and I really appreciate that. All the best and may God bless you and your family!!!

  102. I admire your spirit..but to volunteer or make a friend request,I would like to verify your background as I personally don’t know you.I will give my 100 percent support to you if I find out that you are a genuine person.

  103. Being married myself, I would say: Your wife is just amazing to “allow” you to do that. She must be a truly amazing person.

  104. If you really want to do something good for your country, remain in your job and do part time service or donate part of your earnings to good NGOs. I don’t know how to put it but in simple terms, you earn, you donate, it gets contributed to the cause you want to work. After you leave the job you lose the opportunity to contribute and you urself will need to dependent on donations for the cause you want work.

    I hope I made my points clear.

  105. Off to a good start… but what really matters is how long your plan will survive… all will pat your back for this decision… but the real pat will come once you will be able to persist on this plan. there are lots of troubles ahead of you, and very few make it… having said that appreciate your initiative..all the best!

  106. If man speaks or acts with a pure thought happiness will follow him like shadow——–will get in touch with you next year

  107. Hi Karthee,

    Not just a courageous decision, but you have taken one of the best decisions a human being can take. You will certainly set an example for many rich people who don’t know to care and share. May you be an inspiration to many. Wish you all the best! I will do my small help shortly.

  108. Hey Man,
    I personally don’t know you but the path you have chosen for yourself is one of the closest to my heart on multiple levels, sponsoring kids, awareness of being volunteer, gift of giving. I wish I had the courage to do the same for myself, for the love of country and uplift the one who needs it. Hats off to your decision and wish you all the best.

  109. Hi karthee. I will definitely be in touch with you on same activity.that I can help you from my side as a good entreprineurship trainer.guidance in all placess. My mob no 9822538704. Call me any time for social activity.

  110. Hi Karthee,It is really a courageous act so quit a job.. But I wish all your effort will pay off sometime later.. Good Luck in your endeavor..

  111. Truly inspiring! Just a couple of points before you quit your job for good: Charities run heavily on contributions and you could have contributed greatly by continuing to work with Cognizant and providing the necessary funding. When you take this on, you are going to need the same kind of funding. Second, there are other organizations pursuing the same goal and you could work with them part-time to ensure that your dreams are met, and theirs too. In short, you could continue to do what you are good at, while you make a difference in this world. Children need love, attention, long-term support and care; however Charities need donations first. On a final note, I agree with the comments made earlier about the women in our lives. Men can make decisions like this because the women in our lives rock! I sincerely hope you succeed. Regards.

  112. Hi there..I have no idea who you are but I am from Cognizant as well and I would like to stay in touch with you and help the cause in whatever capacity I can. No words can describe the courage, strength, passion and commitment you have in this endeavor of yours. My best wishes to you and your family. God bless!

  113. That’s good. But do have a good plan for every little thing you do. May you have a journey of happiness and joy. Take care.

  114. I too dont know you but your idea is very inspiring and your selfless service to society is laudable. I wish you all the best. Bro.. If you need any help please dont hesitate to write to me. I will certainly extend whatever best possible i could from my side. The path you chose is very tough but when going gets tough, tough get going.

  115. i really commend you for what you are going to do. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. Robert Kennedy said “pleaple dream of things and say why, I dream of things and say why not”. I will definitely sign up on the websit to sponsor few children.

    May Bhagwan Shree Ram be with you on this worthy mission. Ram

  116. Hey ..good thoughts, let not the momentum die. This is a brilliant initiative but I sense a lack of sustainaibility. I think you should plan couple of options for income. Even the CSR consulting which you plan to do, rests on the pillars of People, Planet & PROFIT and one needs to tie these togther for viability. Just wanted to present my 2 cents. All the best in your truly noble venture!!

  117. U r amazing! Wish I could do something like this.But– anyways would love to hear more about ur projects and the progress too.

  118. God bless you and your endeavors in life.. at times when I look at the difficult phases of life, I simply feel like quitting.. but a great thought like yours can boost such decisions of quitting ! I hope I learn from your courage !

  119. Congrats to you Karthee! Volunteering is truly a noble calling (and I greatly admire and envy you for leaving the corporate grind that we all wish we could; most can, but few think they can). Best of luck!

  120. Read this post which a friend shared in Facebook. You have taken a very courageous decision. Not everyone is blessed with the courage to follow their heart.
    Best of luck to you and thank you for inspiring me.

  121. Hi Karthee..I respect your decision and what you are doing. I plan to do the same after some time. As of now, I am researching how can I contribute in best way. Though it all depends on your values and what you want do, still a piece of advise. Please also take into account the impact you create out of what you do. Here are two things which I really found helpful, if you want to refer:
    1) Coursera course on Philanthropy: http://laaf.org/mooc/
    2) McKinsey report about Indian Philanthropy: http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/dotcom/client_service/social%20sector/pdfs/designing_philanthropy_for_impact.ashx
    I still have to decide on this but one of the ideas is how to promote strategic philanthropy. All the best

  122. Good luck to you. Dedicating your life to helping others is brave, admirable and noble. People like you are an inspiration to those of us who are not so brave, but who nonetheless applaud and admire your actions.

  123. Hi Karthee,

    Best of luck for your new journey. God selected you for doing the service to people.
    People are more selfish nowadays. They keep block money for their children, but few people are their like you to serve to others. I appreciate your decision.
    You will reach your goal and get more satisfaction in your life.

  124. Awesum. Wish I had such a bigger heart.. But someday I am sure I would have this courage to take this decision. Wishing you all the best. You will make the difference. All the best

  125. Tears in my eyes, very much heart touching!!.. All the best!!.. I would surely meet you in the next year to contribute my part for the same..

  126. I’m a psychologist and psychotherapist, and what I read and analysed above…….. This is the downside of my profession, one can see a lot more than the subject is even aware of! But good luck to you and your team

  127. Hello Friend (though I dont know you)…RESPECT, RESPECT and RESPECT…… ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS…

  128. God bless you Karthee. I am not a CTS employee, got it thro FB post. Arrange for others to contribute to your cause. I have some NRI friends who would want to contribute.

  129. Hats off to you and your wife!
    You are awesome, God bless. It is not an easy decision at all, I pray and wish you success in this endeavor.

  130. Great work. Promoting your woirk is essencial. And its very important that you take a little salary from your NGO a nominal minimum atleast.

  131. Hi Karthee,

    To follow your heart needs real guts!! Which you have done..! I wish you all the very best and keep you in my prayers so that the almighty god bless you with more strength and power to realize your endeavors!!

    God bless.

  132. a brave decision and we admire that, our helping hands are with you for either donation or volunteer … many miles to go, don’t giveup.. keep it Upwards and Onwards, Always

  133. Kudos!! I admire your decision!! Very few people have courage to chase some amazing dream like this. We will be definitely contributing to you in monetary terms or however possible!! All the very best for your future endeavours!!!

  134. Lot of guys also share the same dream as you. At time they feel they have all the courage to take over the world. But some how they continue to flow with the main stream like myself. I must really appreciate your determination to serve. I am available on facebook(Prasad Sistla), and you can reach anytime if I could be of any help to the EVEREST Org.

  135. i dont know much about who are you ,or where you from ..but its a noble cause and a brave heart is needed to take this step. surely u will succeed some day and kindly let us know how could we contribute. Take care and really liked the honest write up.

  136. Dear Karthee, I do not know you but read your post through a friend of mine on FB. Indeed it needs a person like you to do what you are doing. I just scanned through your blog and it was truly inspirational. There are very few people who live for others and you are one of them. I am sure there will not be a day for you to regret. My best wishes to you in chasing your dream.GOD bless you 🙂

  137. Hi Karthee,
    I got to know about this post through one of my friend…
    Good decision karthee.. “All the very best. Give something to society. society will definitely give you back something” ..
    I also have the same plans.. since i am in a beginning of my career i need some more time to join your way..

    All the very best..

  138. A brave decision Kartheee..All the best for your future goals…. You proved that not only an army cadre can serve the nation but a simple citizen can do it. Hats off to your good work … i will try to contribute as much as i can….

  139. Hardly we see people like you!!!I have sent a friend request in FB!!!But unfortunately you have reached maximum limit.All the Best for your future!!!

  140. You are an awesome person. And I know you and your family will be blessed. You lead by example and the world will be much better place. Thank you for inspiring me to do more for humanity.

  141. Very few realize that life is very short and its not too late to chase our dreams…Respect you man.. All the best for what you have planned.. Prayers 🙂

  142. I really appreciate your feelings and willingness toward your dream + support from your family. wish you best luck!!
    But I feel before taking this vital life time decision think about why are/were you paying taxes?
    This is not out of contex. One senior citizen asked this question when we interacted with him during our work. he further asked ” Why dont you make this Gov/system to work on this topic instead of you spending valuable time of your life?”. Ofcourse you would have given thought on this. During course of your efforts, please find te way to wake up our system and work for huge population like this orphanges which you or your NGO may not address. Best luck !!

  143. All the best for your initiatives and future endeavors, It needs willingness to take the big step with lot of GUTS and Positive attitude; for many of us including me would not be able to take up challenge with many reasons and family influences, to give full time for our society completely.

  144. Very good initiative Karthee. Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed(Proverbs 19:17). All the very best.

  145. Alll good people surely think of doing something good to others but nobody knows how to start it and it is YOU who initiated the movement which will certainly gain momentum and the group will grow and INDIA is blessed to have good thinkers and doers like YOU sir .P.S.V.Sharma- Bangalore

  146. Wow ! way to go. This is inspiring seriously. I would suggest that you should freelance on the internet that’ll help you earn some money for yourself. There are many websites which may help with it. Good luck.

  147. Wishing you all success and prayers for your new journey.. Great salute Sir.. You are literally going to do what people say they wish to do but cannot make it practical..

  148. You are a wonderful human being for sure. In your plans of social service, do add a note to educate the low income people, not to have children at all. That way many of the efforts by people like you can go into a different productive channel. Salute again. Take care… there are many who will take care of you.

  149. Wish you tremendous success in your decision. I would also like to join you for the noble cause. Will surely get in touch with you.

  150. Hi Karthee, your name reminds me the son of Lord Shiva & Parvati – “Kartikeyan” who taken responsibility of taking care the south India that time, feeling the ansha of him has come to you….:)) All the very best in your hard and bright future ….this is not the easy step which you are taking you might face many problems in this journey but will also very much satisfied person …so may lord Shiva gives you all the ashish in your journey. I would be like to be a small part of your work, will be in your touch by what’s up.

  151. Hi dear karthee, All the best for your new journey, I will be in touch and support you in my possible way.

  152. I salute you Karthee for your brave decision !! All the best !! You are really looking like a ray of hope, belief in a society where everyone’s becoming selfish, filled up with evil thoughts & evil people. GOD bless you to achieve in the way you want…

  153. Karthee,

    It sounded like a sweet sayonara…. My heart swelled for a moment. I think your company will be relieving you with a sigh and will stretch it’s hands a bit more.

    I doubt, if there are, if at all few things noble than the one which you are taking the wings for…. You had taken the responsibility of building a generation!

    An “Everest” of wishes to you young man.


  154. I read ur post n I don’t know u. But u would be doing great work. I will WhatsApp u my number. For any little help that i do for ppl.
    Sewa at it best…

  155. I agree to the point that we all want to quit this job and just do what we wish to, i have been doing this partially but was never bold to take a decision as you did.. Hats off to you and to your wife who is there to support you.. I understand it requires a strong guts and will power to take up such decision, but i am sure its worth for the rest of the life.. Good luck to you…

  156. Whole heartedly appreciating your deision, wishing you all the very best and I will definitely be in touch with you to join my hands to do my contribution whatever the way that I can..

  157. Your Awesome … your decision is inspirational..
    Decision like this make us to think that life so valuable but we are in the competition to become stable and financially fit n we stand no where…

  158. Hai karthee,
    Txs for a friend of Mine sharing ur status, pl can I join ur service team,


  159. Its a Very Big step in your life …Hope your family supports and Bless you. and especially your wife supports you. (Great Lady ) God bless your family
    ,Take care.

  160. Hats Off Karthee.. I admire your courage, dedication and passion..A lazy guy like me has been thinking of something like this but never took initiative.. I saved your contacts and one day soon I will definitely be part of this activity. Not just a donation but want to participate in the activities.

  161. Hi Karthee, All the best for your new initiatives. We always with you to support your activities. Keep up the good work.

  162. Good decision. i had taken that in 2004. best wishes. it’s not difficult to live on less after all millions of our fellow citizens are forced to live on less or nothing.

  163. there are many of us who want to do something for the country but are not able to due to some constraint or other… I appreciate your focus and courage. Hope to be of some help in your initiative…

  164. Am also very impressed by your decision like your way live for other peoples.It’s been most satisfaction in the world to help other peoples.I would be there part of your activity and help you as much i can.All the best and GOD bless you.

  165. Dude.. This is awesome!! when your finances are planned and you have such a supportive life partner, then the day is not far when you will be Doing Much greater work than Mr Sattyarthi also.

    All the best!!

  166. Hats off to your kind decision and the way you told about it to the world. Now you have officially joined already established similar NGOs for same noble cause. I would like to appreciate your current employer Cognizant – a well reputed company who is allowing you to work for a week in a month and agreed to pay ! You are really lucky to get it. As per comments and atleast Cognizant Family surely contribute to this kind NGO as per their capacity – monetary or volunteering way. So it’s good this NGOs will get awesome fund to help more needed children. I ‘m sure after few months surely you’ll plan for your personal income as well. I hope this NGO will make some difference in society.I’ll definitely be in touch with you on some activity that I can help you from my end. All the best .

  167. Really Dont know who you are upto this minute..after seeing your blog and FB page i cant stop myself without telling this to you. I Completely fallen in love with your work and kind heart. you are really a true inspiration. Love you & keep growing with your thoughts

  168. A freer society where everyone can do what they wanted to do will spread happiness. I salute you for being able to overcome the social stigma attached to your decision. I am not as courageous as you but I wish I were.

  169. Karthee you are really great to take such an initiative. I support you in whatever way i can. But in your journey, you might encounter situations where people might discourage you instead of supporting you, so be strong in that situation. And INDIA need people like you. Thanks for supporting our Country.

  170. Nobel Thoughts. All the best to you. Appreciate your company also supporting this by offering 1 week a month part time job.

  171. Hello Karthee, You are a true Indian and most of the times we have thoughts but implementing doesnot happen. please let me know for any suport

  172. Very touching and inspiring.. U r doing something I have always dreamt off. Please do something about the street kids as well, My heart bleeds when I see those poor innocent soul begging. I hope I too can do something for them in near future.. till then good luck.

  173. Hats off Karthee .. .As many I am also one of always want to do something never have the courage to take that one step … Wish you all success and will try support as much I could….

  174. Yes ofcourse.. THANKS for taking this step.. And i wish you all the best.. but i would like to Thank Vidya, your Wife who is a support to you… as she is not only supporting the lifeline of your family but your cause as well.. She has a dual responsibility.. And yes Vidya…its a proud feeling, trust me…Keep Going.. Keep Smiling.. Things will fall in place automatically…

  175. This is what is called a passionate decision which has turned out to be compassionate 🙂 !!
    May you attain all that you wished for on this noble path. All the best Kartheeban . I wish and hope to support you in this mission of yours !!
    Congrats on quitting cognizant for Such a great cause !

  176. Dear Karthee, I was not knowing about you till my friend shared your blog post. I really admire your decision and wish you could achieve what you are meant for. Changing time is always painful. You might have plenty of jerks in life ahead. Still your blog says ” you are determined” individual. Take a chance to see you sometime in life. Keep us posted about the developments of your dream 🙂

  177. We are really proud of you Prakash.Keep up the noble job.Wish many people have such humantarian approach towards life.God bless you and your family.

  178. Many People dream of doing what you are doing, but few have the courage to follow through. I wish you all the very best in your endeavours and hopefully, I too can contribute in subtle way towards your larger cause.

  179. Hi Bro, that’s a great initiative, appreciate it, and I will make a reminder to visit your blog after a year to see how much progress you have made.
    While there’s are so many organizations that take care of children,why do you want to start one more, are you not confident about their systems or practices?? For example world vision, does a fantastic job internationally, ….having said that, I know there’s are millions more disadvantageous children who still are not covered and I hope you have all that fire under your belly to reach out to them….
    Please share your progress and I am happy to extend my two cents…..good bless.

  180. Awesome man..!! Very courageous..!! And you will soon get a sponsor for your salary. Maybe I will be the person. All the best and God Bless You. 🙂

  181. Hi Karthee
    I got to know about this post from my friend.
    Really very courageous decision!!
    I would also want to thank your wife as she didn’t oppose you!
    Not every girl would accept this kind of decision taken by her husband.
    Hats off to your wife!!
    Hope you achieve your dream!!

  182. Karthee , though I don’t know u personally, I appreciate ur decision from the bottom of my heart….you know it’s my ambition and wish that I should be of some help to the needy society … But family commitment.. What to do…but one day I vil surely get into ur path…till then lots of wishes and blessings from mohans….

  183. I am very much touched with the decision and would see you sometime in Pune to understand your style of working and will like to explore same thing in Indore area

  184. Its a great initiative, I really appreciate it. Its easy to say that “When India would be Developed?” But Country needs a people like you to be a helping hand to take care of below poverty line people. I would also like to be a part of your group. Great salute to you!

  185. God Bless you & your family with immense strength, good health, especially goddess Lakshmi be with you always ….

  186. Its great to read ur blog and am really impressed.. Seriously , hats off to u. And all the best for ur “Beginning”

  187. Majority of the comments state you doing some thing which they do / can not do. Do not misinterpret as appreciation. All of them are advising against your decision. People have a habit of misleading others.

    “You will see wrong things happening on large scale and you may think that is the right way.”

    “Do anything and everything for which you will not repent”

    “To appreciate excellence you must be excellent. If you are worse, then you like the worst.”

    Refer to the charity work done by Bill Gates, Ambani, Amir, Salman, Sachin, etc.

    There are more references against than in favor.

  188. Have a great journey…surely you will find means and ways for your livelihood…No one have the courage to do such kind of things…When you try to elp others GOD will help you…

  189. hi,
    I did the same thing 4.5 yrs back when i left a good paying job.never regretted..pl call for any help 9561085977. And yes, i am leading a fantastic life…my wife and 2kids..are a great family.

  190. excellent thought..,i would be a great pleasure for me to join u as a volunteer n contribute a little from my side.,all d very best

  191. really touching..i would also like to do more contribution in this area.. right now supporting one child..will try to do more as and when lord permits

  192. Courageous decision brother!! I have similar plans have people who wants to help kids for their education and kids who are in such need! Looking forward to working with you. I will get in touch 🙂

  193. I am amazed on seeing your commitment and your wife’s support to your passion. Great thinking. I will do my best to support you in any way possible.

  194. I do not know you, but your decision and passion is inspiring. I also what to contribute in whatever way I can.

  195. I would like to sponsor a kid or more. How can I contribute from USA? Can I do with credit or debit card? Please let me know the details please

  196. Good initiative towards CSR activities, you have a strong commitment and passion towards helping the society. it will take to you heights of everest

  197. Hi Karthee,
    Good initiative towards CSR activities, you have a strong burning desire, commitment and passion towards helping the society. it will take to you heights of everest.

  198. hats of 2 you…. u deserve an applause… i 2 have a plan to do such kind of work in future…. can i b of some help in your delighful work ?

  199. All the best bro… I will soon join you but in another direction as my dream of opening “Shanti Devi Help Old Age Home” in the name of my loved Grandma…

  200. U r an example for the people are still running behind their passion. Rock the world. Prayers for you and your thoughts, which comes true soon. Keep me posted , i will help as much as possible. Prasanna Venkatesan.R – 9176498597 – Chennai

  201. Karma reaps benefits in unknown ways. ‘To give’ is a great attribute often lost in today’s fast pace world. Wish you all the best, Karthee. Willing to meet up when I come down to India.

  202. Hey Karthee! All the best.. really Hats off to your decision. However there are people like me will support you by raising funding. We’re not leader but we’re good followers. Just do it with one heart you will win more hearts

  203. Good luck Karthee, Its my dream too but yet to take the final step. Will serve the poor, sick and needy, will be there soon – my country needs me

  204. Can you make a FB page for your initiatives and to contact you please….making it easy for people to reach you will be a of tremendous impact…I am sure there are many in the society who want to but have no direction when it comes to this kinda activities….thank you ! and Kudos

  205. Hi friend

    I have read your article.
    Its quiet awesome.your quitting from the job for a good cause,but at the same time being a family person you have to think about to run the show,even though u work for a week will it support you.

    you can do this social cause by being in the job.

    Not only in village children r helpless even in city children from middle class family suffer for their survival and especially for their education., when they r brilliant in their studies.

    Let your dream reach the destination.

    Good start of your journey.

  206. Dear Karthee, U have taken Great Initiative and set as a role model for others..Surely I will do the Needuful work

  207. This is unbelievable. I started the same with the name of CCC( Caring Community For Children) but I need four more years to fulfill my dream. I am so happy to see this post with the same thoughts.

  208. Hi Karthee, I read your blog and it is awesome to know that you are not a part of ‘blind rat race’. We are surely like minded people. Contact me on gaurv.p@gmail.com . Together we all will go stronger.

  209. Great initiative to serve others. All the best Karthee. Will send you an email to get details on how to contribute from US

  210. you are doing what i wanted to do..you become example to show good parts of life..i will be there to help as much as i can

  211. Karthee this is a great initiative 🙂 God bless you and team everest. I have sent you a msg on the above number so would like to be connected, help volunteer for various activities whenever possible. I wish good luck to your family specially your wife who is so supportive and kudos to your spirit for chasing your passion, for having small(rather no) expectations from life and helping INDIA NOURISH 🙂

  212. Like yr initiative Karthee. Good luck in your initiative. Keep sending updates on Everest- I will volunteer/ participate in some form soon- I am doing something similar in a lot less formal fashion. Quit my IT job after 31 years to pursue my fond dreams…

  213. Hats off to you Buddy..It needs lot of guts to risk personal life and still sacrifice for such a noble cause. I hope to join you sometime in future.. Good luck mate. Bring it on.

  214. It’s hard to believe what I’m reading here ! It’ll be great step by you and I salute you and your family for supporting you through this !!
    Hope You are able to fulfill such a noble dream of yours (y)

  215. Speechless man…. i too have similar dreams but.. you dared to go a head….definitely you will reach your own destiny shortly….kudos you man…

  216. You are an inspiration to many corporate goers who might just need a push to leave what they do and move on to a completely new journey of selflessly inspiring lives in different ways! Our country needs many such people…the thought is there but the commitment to action it is missing! Way to go Karthee!!

  217. God Need not to come to earth every time, some times he will plan, make and send his representatives like you to make his Creation Happy. No Words…….Its Just God Gift for India & World.

  218. Everyone takes different path to the same goals of personal as well as spiritual enlightenment. Hoping for the success in this endeavour.

  219. Karthee can’t find words to write a comment .wishing you all the best for ur social service activities . Hoping to join you one day .

  220. Congratulations and all the best!! This is the toughest decision which you took in your life. And also thanks to Cognizant for helping you fulfill your desire. Volunteers withing Cognizant are also doing great in it’s outreach program.

  221. Kudos to you. I always feel like doing this but never had the guts to do so fearing about my cashflow.Hope to do something like this in the future.Good luck.

  222. There are many with great ideas and llr wishes, but it takes some kripa to get into action. Wishing you the best and am sure your mission will meet all the support you could ever imagine.

  223. Great cause!! Hearty congratulations on starting off and wish you good luck!! Hope you will take up real causes like student education, helping the old, homeless etc. Hope you and your organization will be protected from falling into the trap of some motivated corporates that promote obsenity & lust among youth by posing as ‘liberals’, ‘open-minded’ and taking up causes like ‘women-liberation’ etc.. Wish you good luck!!

  224. Karthik, I am truly proud of you. I have had dreams of helping the society too. The difference between you and people like me is that you have had the courage to make them come true. You are inspirational. It takes a lot to leave the comforts of a life to do what you are doing. Hats off. Do let me know if you need any kind of help/support in Volunteering. I am all in.

  225. Karthee , Good you have got purpose in life .. but remember Our Dharma says Do your Karma , If we are doing work .. it doesn’t mean we are selfish , very well we work , we earn and spend , we help thousands of people indirectly .. Giving employments to so many people , giving service to people , as we are technical background, we are helping thousands to customers to make their life easy by automation… thus we are serving people , we need to help others by donating time, Money…

    Young Populations has to work … work hard…
    when we are doing service , other person must not know you are helping him ..

  226. Congratulations. I work for Wipro and run a small NGO for women and children. Do visit us at Snehalaya Ahmednagar. Also let me know if I can be of any help to you in ur mission. I was in US for 10 yrs , studied there and worked there and got back to India last year. Rajeev kumar

  227. I salute you sir for what you are doing for society! I hope many people will inspire from you and make this society a better living place!

  228. Idea is good but should be more realistic.Anywy ally best for ur goal achievement. I would be happiest fan of u as long as u keep ur family happy as they like it.

  229. Hi Karthee,

    I still remember the day I met in cognizant navalur office. You have a great passion and dedication towards CSR activities. All the best.. I am sure that you will see the positive peaks through out your journey

  230. I would be glad to be one in ur group i had a similar taught in mind all the best i would like to join a hand in this wonderful event

  231. Hey appreciate your passion about helping the society, but do you really need to quit your job? Our country needs young brains and energy as well.

  232. This is very right decision. Don’t worry about finance. God takes care who is working for him. There will be many coming to help you – who are willing to do such stuff but not able to arrange courage. This activity will give you immense peace and self satisfaction. Never loose heart even if you don’t see anyone around you or difficulties during actual implementations . These are the parts of exams to make us stronger. All The Best.

    PS: I left Infosys 2 year back for similar stuff. And I can tell you that its worth it.
    Your JOb is Your Life, if you are not enjoying it – don’t settle – keep looking – Steve Jobs.

  233. Hi Karthee! I ‘m thrilled to know anybody can be so much focused towards social development, I thought till now its only me. Anyways, nice to know ’bout you. I too ‘m a Social development obsessed girl, thats what my parents call me who is doing MSW for having a professional touch. I’m gonna send u a friend request on FB & be in touch, hopefully we can work together in near future! 🙂

  234. Truly an inspiration… though many of us may want to do something like this but bogged down by commitments towards family etc. May be someday! God Bless you ….kudos

  235. Kartee…you realized the purpose of human life, find the place of Real happiness & Ultimate wisdom.From my experience I said that you should be protect by Divine of nature.so Nothing to worry about future…your needs are fulfilled at right time by Almighty. When we serve to humanity.. Then we are the child of nature.

  236. extremely brave and noble decision…great salute to you..you are an inspiration for us.. hope we will meet someday..very very good luck to you Sir..

  237. Dear Karthee, it is easy to be caught in the circle of IT rat race. Please remember your dreams are bigger than what you could have done in this race. I know, it’s not easy, of course it’s a lot of sacrifice in the beginning , but, this may become bigger than life before you know. I salute your wife for supporting you in this journey. You may not know me, but, I am interested in your work :). Reach out to me and I shall share my ideas. Best of luck and regards

  238. Really appreciable, you have taken this as a challenge and I am sure you will get success in this. Don’t look at other negative points be positive and go ahead. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’. Since I am also running my own orphanage charity trust where in I am running this on my salary and not depending on any others. But I really feel happy in doing all this selfless service.

  239. Hi karthi,

    It’s good & brave decision. By God’s grace everything should go fine. I’ll try to support you.

  240. Dear,

    Some thing is better than nothing. God will give support to you for acheiving your dream.

    great, keep it up.

  241. It takes real guts like this to chase a dream and to do something like this, it takes real courage. All the best to you and let me know if you need any support!

  242. Karthee, Very proud of you…It is a very tough decision & you wanted to follow your heart. Bravo…Wishing you all the very best. Let all your dreams come true…a colleague from Cognizant

  243. Good thought….and wen a person knws how to execute the dream …its amazing….keep yhe good work gng….all the best. ..

  244. Your “open letter” truly inspires many people in this world! Great Post and Great Job, All the best.

  245. All the best Karthik … I like your thoughts & really appreciate your decision. Only few people can think like you …

  246. Hi Karthee,
    You are starting a new chapter of life, All the very best,! Please keep us updated with your achievements..!

  247. Dude,

    I truly appreciate your actions and no one better than me can understand this as I my self left Congnizant in 2011 to pursue my dream for wildlife travel.

    A word of caution, get you act straight with the finances.
    It helped me being single and I plan to stay that way for ever.
    Make a choice and stand by it, come what may.

    Welcome to the world of eternal bliss and a super content life!


  248. Sir, I don’t know you. But was moved by your decision. I saw your post as it was shared by Narayanaswamy garu. We will be very happy to know more about your work. and all the best.

  249. Cool stuff dude… I would however suggest that u stick to ur job and help people with the salary u earn …Instead of putting ur family through all that trouble ….
    Give away 3/4 of ur salary which u don’t seem to want …..
    There r many people who would love to have the job ur having right now ….but they r still trying to get one …..
    Anyways it’s still a cool thought u have had and I wish u the very best if u go ahead with ur plans …
    Just a humble request , don’t get carried away with the money u end up making for the poor and the needy …..
    Cos of course ur plan is going to make u one of them
    Take care …good luck

  250. Best wishes for your happy life with your dream to serve humanity .As you wish it will be happen when it comes from inner source ,as it is ultimate, if it is not come from your mind. your family and your children welfare also you must consider along with your dream to serve humanity.
    Money will play a very dominate role to do any activity in the present situation ,Be cautious about it ,and it may create so many problems.
    Once again i wish you a great success to fulfill your dream to serve humanity.

  251. Hi Karthik,
    Inspiring decision. I would love to support you as many as possible. Please keep in loop with your plans.

  252. Mr Karthik, we do not know each other but i was really touched with your decision and move taken for helping others who are really in need off. Hats off to you. By all means i also wanted to be part of your initiative in future, do keep us stay informed and posted with updates and let me also join hands to the extent possible from myside. All the very best and may God bless you.

  253. All the best Kaarthi. It’s long time I see though I still remember the days the team Everest started in 2006. My Journey with Cognizant also started in 2006 though I am not with Cognizant now for various reasons. Al the best once again. You are the inspiration.

  254. I don’t know you but I admire your thoughts and passion. I am willing to contribute and hope to get in touch with you soon.

  255. You are very good.. all the very best for the selfless service that you are planning to give.
    I wish you great success, good health & happiness..!!

  256. All the best Karthee , yes it is very important in India , I will join you in this great job , Thank you for giving us the Responsibility by joining you.

  257. Amazing and all the best for your venture and service… Hope you will make it last with a difference. Let me know if i can help you out in any way .

  258. After reading your blog, I could see the clarity in your vision and dedication and determination towards your thoughts. I saw the link to this blog in FB and it is pleasing to read it. I got to know about you just now but hoping to stay in touch for longer times.
    All the very best and heartfelt congratulations in pursuit of your goal. I will try to the possible extent to support the cause.

  259. All the best kart him.it really needs a lot of guts to take such a decision. We are proud of you and would like to join you in future. We will be with you in this.

  260. You sure are a cool guy!! Chase…chase your dream..I will do my strong contribution in my small way no matter where I am. Wishing you sunshine, good luck and a bright future to all the kids under you.

  261. Laudable plan. Few people would take such bold steps. God bless you. Your dreams will come true. I am a friend of Geeth Krishna.

  262. I was also an Employee of Cognizant , emp ID 256948.

    Left my job to chase my dream. The purpose was more like you.
    Don’t chase others’ dream, make your own. You live only once !

  263. Karthee, You have inspired me. I will get in touch with you and support you in any ways and forms I can. Great work!

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